"Страноведение-девятые классы"
вопросы к викторине на английском языке
Автор: Бочарова Татьяна Львовна, учитель английского языка, ГБОУ СОШ 1259, город Москва
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Вопросы к викторине по страноведению в рамках Недели иностранных языков
Составила -Бочарова Татьяна Львовна-учитель английского языка высшей категории ГБОУ СОШ № 1259
№ вопрос варианты ответа правильный ответ 1. This sport is popular on both sides of the Atlantic but it is called differently in American English -snooker -soccer -golf soccer (this is how they call football in the US) 2. A type of team game played with an oval (egg-shaped) ball by a team of 15 players -rugby -soccer -American football rugby –football teams consist of 11 players though the ball use in American football is oval 3. One of England’s most famous footballers who married a participant of a popular girls’-band -John Terry -Joe Hart -David Beckham David Beckham married Victoria Adams of Spice Girls in 1999 4. A sport game played by two teams of 11 players each with a stick and an oar -grass hockey -ice hockey -polo ice hockey 5. A Scottish national sport game -cheese rolling -pole throwing -haggis eating pole throwing (cheese rolling is popular in Glostershire ) 6. A four-day sporting event held every June in Ascot and attended by the members of the Royal family -horse-racing -regatta -fox hunting horse-racing
1. These animals are hunted in the UK in the period from November to early spring. This hunt is thought of as a sport -hare -fox -wolf fox-hunting 2. Much of Canada’s early economic history was tied to the fur of this animal. Hats made of its fur became very popular in the 18 th century in Europe -beaver -mink -sable beaver 3. An Australian animal which carries its young in a pouch and in fact is a small bear -panda -wombat wombat
-possum 4. The two animals supporting the British coat-of-arms. One of them is a mythical beast -the unicorn and the lion -the lion and the centaur -the lion and the dragon the lion and the unicorn 5. This red mythical creature was made the official royal badge of Wales and in 1954 became the authorized Welsh National flag -dragon -phoenix -mermaid dragon 6. This mysterious animal lives in the lake which has become one of the most popular UK attractions. What is the name of the lake and the official “title” of the animal? -Loch Lomond -Loch Ness -Windermere Loch Ness/ Loch Ness monster L
1. In what forms does Celtic survive today on the British isles? -it is a dead language -the Welsh language -Welsh and Gaelic Welsh and Gaelic (Scottish and Irish) 2. What group of languages does English belong to? -Germanic -Roman -Celtic Germanic 3. Why is Canada considered a bilingual society? -people of two nationalities inhabit this country -there are two official state languages -everybody in Canada can speak two languages there are two official languages in Ca nada-English and French 4. The accent typical of a real Londoner is called… -Brummie -Cockney -BBC standard Cockney 5.
Croeso I Cymru
is translated like… -Welcome to Scotland -Welcome to Ireland -Welcome to Wales Welcome to Wales 6. Shakespear’s sonets and plays were written in … -Middle English -French -Welsh Middle English
The Royal Family
1. Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth the Second has got more than one child. How many? -two sons -two sons and one daughter -three sons and one daughter Three sons and one daughter (Charles,Andrew, Edward,Ann) 2. The first son of a British Monarch gets the royal title. Which? -The prince of York -The Prince of Wales -The Prince of Edenburhg The Prince of Wales 3. The present British Monarch comes from the dynasty of… -the Tudors -the Plantagenets the Windsors The Windsors 4. Prince William got married an ordinary young lady. What is her name? -Rosy -Katie -Caroline Katie “Watie” She had to wait for the proposal for some 8 years. 5. Her Majesty the Queen adores dogs. What is her favourite breed? -Dalmatian -Collie -Welsh Corgi Welsh Corgi 6. Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is also the official head of state of some other countries. Which two of these? -New Zealand -Japan -Sri Lanka New Zealand and Sri Lanka-as they are the members of the Commonwealth
1. What two Australian animals support the shield of the Australian Coat-of-Arms? -the kangaroo and the emu -the dingo and the wombat -the kangaroo and the the kangaroo and the emu 2. It’s common knowledge that the symbol of Scotland is a thistle. Why? -It is most commonly spread in Scotland -The enemies of Scots once stepped on this prickly plant ,cried and awoke the sleeping soldiers -Scots use this plant in their national cuisine the legend says this prickly plant saved the sleeping Scots from defeat 3. When was the Maple leaf officially proclaimed the symbol of Canada? -in 1996 -in prehistoric times -when Canada got its independence in 1996 4. What color rose is the symbol of England? -yellow red
-red -white 5. The Bald Eagle of the USA holds these two things in its paws -flowers and a pumpkin -arrows and wheat -orb and sceptre arrows and wheat 6. The flag of Great Britain is often referred to as the Union Jack. What does the word” Jack” mean in this word combination? -the name of a certain person -a mast on a ship -the name of a saint-patron of England a flagpole on board the ship
1. The British king whose voice was said to make the horses kneel down -Richard III --Richard the Lionhearted -King John Richard the Lionhearted 2. The monument to this ancient queen may be seen in London -Rovena -Guinevere -Boudicea Boudicea 3. The British Prime minister who led the British from danger of defeat to victory during the Second World War -Winston Churchill -Margaret Thatcher -Tony Blair Winston Churchill - - Составил-Бочарова Татьяна Львовна
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