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план-конспект урока английского языка на тему: "Мой колледж"

план-конспект урока английского языка

Автор: Копьева Ольга Ивановна, преподаватель английского языка, ГАПОУ ПО ПМПК ОТДХ, Г.Пенза

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План-конспект урока английского языка

Тема урока
: "Мой колледж"

Вид урока
: комбинированный
Задачи уроки:1. Образовательные:
 Формирование лексических навыков по теме : «Колледж»  Повторение лексики по теме: «Колледж»"  Обучать умению использовать лексику темы в устной речи.  Продолжать обучать умению переводить с русского языка на английский и с английского на русский языки
:  тренировать в монологическом высказывании по пройденной теме;  научить быть внимательными, слушать других, читать тексты с полным пониманием и впоследствии работа с ним.
:  расширение кругозора учащихся;  развитие языковой догадки;  развитие интереса к языку; 
Оснащение урока:
 классная доска, на которой написаны вопросы к тексту.  учебник Кравцовой Л. И «английский язык для средних профессиональных заведений »  предметные картинки по теме «Колледж»  материал по теме "Колледж"  предметные картинки по теме
Языковой и речевой материал
Новая лексика Лексика для повторения Entrance exams, to give a mark, a mark for an answer to master the knowledge, research worker, to go in for, to get rid of. To leave school, examiner, to make progress, hard –working, train, subject, scientist, to be good smth.

Ход урока

Этап урока

Речевые действия


Речевые действия


. Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you. Who is on duty today? Thank you very much. Sit down please. I am on duty. Today is the 10 th of October. Monday. Today is. All are present. (Дежурный группы говорит число, день недели и отсутствующих на занятии.)

цели занятия.
Today we’ll begin to speak about our college, we describe it and our study in it too. Сегодня мы будем говорить о нашем отделении колледжа и об учёбе здесь.

нового материала
So I speak English words and you repeat after me: (Учитель показывает предметные картинки и говорит слова): Entrance exams. to give a mark, a mark for an answer, to master the knowledge, research worker, to go in for, to get rid of. Let’s translate these words: Entrance exams. to give a mark, a mark for an answer, to master the knowledge, research worker, to go in for, to get rid of Entrance exams. to give a mark, a mark for an answer, to master the knowledge, research worker, to go in for, to get rid of. Вступительные экзамены; Ставить оценку; Оценка за ответ; Овладеть знаниями; Научный работник, Увлекаться, Отделаться, избавиться
4. Работа с

Open your books at the pages 7, ex.1. let’s read and Dear, Helen, Don’t be angry with me for my
translate this text “Our College” long silence, but really I was too busy to write. As you know, I left school in June and began to prepare for my entrance exams to the College. As my mother is a teacher and my father is a mechanical engineer, I have made up my mind to be a mechanical engineer too. I think it is a well-paid profession. I had to take four exams and passed all of them with excellent marks. So I’m glad to tell you, that now I’m a first-year student of Automobile-Road College. I can’t help admiring this fine old building with its beautiful columns. The first students entered it more than 120 years ago. It goes without saying, we, students, are very proud of this fact. It is a college with a hall of residence on the same grounds as the principle building. In fact all the students live in hall. We study a lot of subjects there: Russian, Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Foreign Languages, Structure of car and others. We have good libraries and reading- rooms, a big lecture hall and a good language laboratory, where we work with tapes. It helps us to find out our mistakes and to get rid of them in the shortest possible time. And for those who go in for sports there are good gymnasiums with a changing room. Besides, there is a playing field for football. At present we have quite a lot of work as we have English practice, History of our native land and other subjects. There is a big workshop with the structure of cars. It gives us a good opportunity to master the knowledge about cars. I’m working hard at it. Besides the mechanical engineer, there are a lot of specialities in our college. For example: technician, the maim
technician and the manager. And also, students can study confrontation or extramural in our college. So, that’s the latest news about myself. Please write to me about your life and studies. My best regards to your parents. Yours, Tom.(Перевод текста)


Answer my questions: 1.When did Tom leave school? 2.Why did Tom decide to become a mechanical engineer? 3.When did the first students enter it? 4.What can you tell about this college? 5.What subjects do the students study there? 6.Do the students have good libraries and reading-rooms, a big lecture hall and a good language laboratory? 7. What are there for those who go in for sports? 8. For what is there a big workshop with the structure of cars? 1.Tom left school June. 2.He thinks it is a well-paid profession. 3.The first students entered it more than 120 years ago. 4.It is a college with a hall of residence on the same grounds as the principle building. 5.We study a lot of subjects there: Russian, Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Foreign Languages, Structure of car and others 6. Yes, they do. 7. And for those who go in for sports there are good gymnasiums with a changing room. Besides, there is a playing field for football 8. It gives students a good opportunity to master the knowledge about cars.

What can you tell us about our college and study in it? The first students entered Automobile –Road college more than 120 years ago. It is a college with a hall of
residence on the same grounds as the principle building. Students study a lot of subjects there: Russian, Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Foreign Languages, Structure of car and others. The students have good libraries and reading- rooms, a big lecture hall and a good language laboratory. And for those who go in for sports there are good gymnasiums with a changing room. Besides, there is a playing field for football . Besides, there is there a big workshop with the structure of cars. It gives students a good opportunity to master the knowledge about cars.

О чём мы говорили сегодня на уроке? О нашем колледже, о предметах которые изучают здесь, о профессиях которые мы можем здесь получить.

You must learn new words by heart and tell about our college. К следующему уроку вы должны выучить новые слова и на основе текста вы должны рассказать о колледже, в котором вы учитесь.

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