"Стресс. Как с ним справиться"
Автор: Дубинина Татьяна Николаевна, учитель английского языка, МБОУ лицей № 3, город Иркутск
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Stress A definition, friends, of stress: Your own reaction to a mess. Stress from pains to pleasure range, The common element is change. Adapt or die, and that’s a fact, And so our bodies must react: The heart speeds up, the gut slows down, Facial muscles snarl or frown. The point is, stress is not unique, It doesn’t mean you’re dumb or weak. Common both to man and beast, If proves you’re still alive, at least! from a poem by William Goldsmith, MD MD=(Doctor of Medicine)
Ссоры с друзьями, неприятный осадок, И во всём виноват твой душевный беспорядок. Напряжение от боли до райских наслаждений ─ Это главный результат твоих преображений. Сердце бьется чаще и спокойствие сходит на ноль, Над собой ты плавно теряешь контроль. Но это не значит, что ты какой-то не такой, Ты в этом далеко не одинок, и порой Это напоминает тебе, что ты живой.
STRESSFUL SITUATIONS • study/sit for exams • bullying • relationships with friends • not achieving something that you really wanted • move house • have too much homework • be over-scheduled with sports and extracurricular activities • a medical problem in a family member • financial problems at home • family problems
WORRYING STATISTICS Recent studies show that up to 33% of teenagers feels stress on a daily basis while 67% feel stressed out at least one a week. 78% of the interviewed teenagers said that school was the main sours of their stress.
THE LOWDOWN ON STRESS Stress is the feeling of being under emotional pressure and is the body’s way of attempting to deal with a tough situation. Not all stress is bad! A little stress can keep you on your toes! But, in the long term, it can cause any physical and emotional symptoms such as headaches, depression, forgetfulness and low self-esteem. However, you can deal with stress. So, take control and remember you’re A-B-Cs…
A IS FOR ACTION Control everything what can create stress. For example, try to break tasks down into smaller ‘chunks’, and deal with one thing in order of priority. Also you can give up afterschool activity for a while or ask a friend or family member to help you. One of the best ways to minimise stress is doing moderate exercises. This contributes to better all-round health.
B IS FOR BEAR IT If you can do nothing you’ll just have to ‘grin and bear it’! Learn to control your feelings and thoughts. When you feel overwhelmed, take a slow deep breath and count to ten. Later, once you’ve calmed down, analyse the problem rationally.
C IS FOR COPE Find ways to handle your stress! For a start, doing something relaxing will help take your mind off the things that are bugging you. Or perhaps keeping a dairy will help you to deal with negative emotions. Finally, getting enough sleep and eating are the most essential for coping with stress! Above all, try to keep a sense of humor and positive attitude.
Stress A definition, friends, of stress: Your own reaction to a mess. Stress from pains to pleasure range, The common element is change. Adapt or die, and that’s a fact, And so our bodies must react: The heart speeds up, the gut slows down, Facial muscles snarl or frown. The point is, stress is not unique, It doesn’t mean you’re dumb or weak. Common both to man and beast, If proves you’re still alive, at least! from a poem by William Goldsmith, MD MD=(Doctor of Medicine)
Ссоры с друзьями, неприятный осадок, И во всём виноват твой душевный беспорядок. Напряжение от боли до райских наслаждений ─ Это главный результат твоих преображений. Сердце бьется чаще и спокойствие сходит на ноль, Над собой ты плавно теряешь контроль. Но это не значит, что ты какой-то не такой, Ты в этом далеко не одинок, и порой Это напоминает тебе, что ты живой.
STRESSFUL SITUATIONS • study/sit for exams • bullying • relationships with friends • not achieving something that you really wanted • move house • have too much homework • be over-scheduled with sports and extracurricular activities • a medical problem in a family member • financial problems at home • family problems
WORRYING STATISTICS Recent studies show that up to 33% of teenagers feels stress on a daily basis while 67% feel stressed out at least one a week. 78% of the interviewed teenagers said that school was the main sours of their stress.
THE LOWDOWN ON STRESS Stress is the feeling of being under emotional pressure and is the body’s way of attempting to deal with a tough situation. Not all stress is bad! A little stress can keep you on your toes! But, in the long term, it can cause any physical and emotional symptoms such as headaches, depression, forgetfulness and low self-esteem. However, you can deal with stress. So, take control and remember you’re A-B-Cs…
A IS FOR ACTION Control everything what can create stress. For example, try to break tasks down into smaller ‘chunks’, and deal with one thing in order of priority. Also you can give up afterschool activity for a while or ask a friend or family member to help you. One of the best ways to minimise stress is doing moderate exercises. This contributes to better all-round health.
B IS FOR BEAR IT If you can do nothing you’ll just have to ‘grin and bear it’! Learn to control your feelings and thoughts. When you feel overwhelmed, take a slow deep breath and count to ten. Later, once you’ve calmed down, analyse the problem rationally.
C IS FOR COPE Find ways to handle your stress! For a start, doing something relaxing will help take your mind off the things that are bugging you. Or perhaps keeping a dairy will help you to deal with negative emotions. Finally, getting enough sleep and eating are the most essential for coping with stress! Above all, try to keep a sense of humor and positive attitude.
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