
Сценарий театрализованного представления " Кентервильское привидение".

Автор: Акименко Марина Юрьевна
Должность: учитель английского языка
Учебное заведение: МБОУ гимназия № 11
Населённый пункт: город Самара, Самарская область
Наименование материала: методическая разработка
Тема: Сценарий театрализованного представления " Кентервильское привидение".
Раздел: среднее образование


The Canterville Ghost.

By Oscar Wilde.

The Cast:

1.Sir Simon Canterville( Canterville Ghost-CG)

2.Lord Canterville( LC)


4.Mrs. Otis


6. Virginia

7. Aly

8. Jimmy

( terrifying music,moaning, darkness,the picture of the castle on the screen)

Canterville Ghost : Ladies and gentlemen! You are welcome to the Canterville

Castle! I am Sir Simon Canterville.

This is my house ( runs up to the screen, points at the castle} The castle is


(the Ghost disappears. The Otis family are going with their luggage to the castle}

Washington( an elder son): Oh, look! Here we are at the Canterville Castle!

CG: Excellent!Some new victims, I mean visitors ha-ha-ha…

Lord Canterville: Good evening, Mr. Otis. I am glad to see you! You are welcome!

Come in.

Mr. Otis: Good evening, Lord Canterville! Let me introduce my family to you.

My wife, Mrs. Otis . My elder son Washington.

My daughter Virginia . My twins Aly and Jimmy. They enjoy monkey tricks,

naughty boys.

LC: How do you do.

All: How do you do.

L C: So,Sir I must warn you.The castle is haunted.

A ghost has been living here for 300 years. What do you say to it?

Mr. Otis: Rubbish!We, Americans, don t believe in such silly things.

LC: OK, it s up to you to decide- to stay here or not.

(on the screen-LEAVE THIS PLACE)

Virginia: Look! It s blood! He wants us to leave!

Mr. Otis: There,there, my dear, there is nothing to worry about. I ll rub it off. No

more talks of ghosts!

Virginia: Could there be such a thing as a ghost in this house?

Washington: Oh, Virginia, believe it or not, it’ s all people’ s imagination! But if

you think of a ghost so hard, it will definitely appear. WOOOO

Mr.Otis: Calm down, my dear children! No more talk of ghosts! No more ghosts!

It’ s time to go to bed.

Good night and good dreams to all.

All: Good night.

(all go away, except for Mr and Mrs Otis)

Mrs Otis: I say, darling, after all those talks of ghosts and the lights gone down I

must confess, I am a little uneasy.

Mr. Otis: Look, I’ ll tell you what. We are the Otis family from America. We are

educated people. So all the superstitions are stuff and nonsense, aren’ t they?

Mrs. Otis: That may be true. But our twins are so little, so delicate, so touchy. They

are not ready for such experience, are they?

Mr. Otis: There, there. Don’ t worry. I promise you, we’ ll have a happy life in this


( go away, the twins run)

Aly: I say, Jimmy. Let’ s put on our Halloween masks and scare the ghost, shall we?

Jimmy: That’ s a great idea!

(come up to the edge of the stage, looking at the audience)

Aly and Jimmy : Sir Simon, where are you?

(the ghost creeps from behind, trying to scare the boys, the boys attack him, the

ghost falls down,covers his head with his hands, cries. Virginia comes up)

Virginia: Excuse me, Mr. Ghost!

CG: What!!!? No!( runs away)

Virginia: There s no need to be frightened. Wait

Aly and Jimmy: This way! Come on! Catch him!

(Washington grabs the boys)

Washington: Why so much noise?

Mrs. Otis: What’ s happening?

Aly: We saw him!!!

Jimmy: He was there!!!

Mr.Otis: Where?

Aly and Jimmy: Over there!( point at different directions)

Mr. Otis:No ghosts! No talks of ghosts!

Aly: Yes, Dad!

Mr. Otis: Up!

Jimmy: He was there!

Mr. Otis: Up! Virginia, what do you know about this?

Virg: I saw 2 ghosts. One ghost was Aly& the other one was Jimmy.

Mr. Otis: Bed! Now!

(the twins go away with their heads down).

C G: My dear Eleonore , I wish I could join you. But I can’t fa I have to haunt the

Castle for ever. I say, my dear, I’ ve been the most successful ghost allover England

for 300 years, haven’t I?

Eleonore: That’ s true…

CG: But these people have no fear! What shall I do?

Eleonore: Try and act again… And remember, you are the most horrible ghost…

See you…

(Eleonore disappears)

CG: Thank you, I’ ll do my best.

( clanks his chains, moans, appears on the stage)

Mr. Otis: What’ s now?

( CG growls, moans)

Mr. Otis: Excuse me, Sir?

(CG growls)

Mr.Otis: Excuse me, shall I call a doctor?

(CG moans)

Mr. Otis: Look here , my man. You are wasting my time and your time. Don’t

bother us again. Bye!

CG: Oh, what a shame! I’ m a ghost failure.

( CG cries, the twins attack him with theirpistols)

Virginia: Leave him, you both!

CG: Oh,my! Oh, me…I’m scared of little boys! I’ m a victim of tricks and practical

jokes myself!

Virginia: Mr. Ghost, I’ m sorry for you. Nobody will offend you if you behave well.

CG: Are you kidding? I’ m a ghost! It’ s my duty to haunt the house, to moan, to

scream and clank my chains. If only anybody could help me to be free…

Virginia: I’ll help you.

CG: Oh, no! It’s very dangerous!

Virginia: Oh, look over there!

( Virginia reads the lines on the screen)

When a gentle girl can win

A prayer from out the lips of sin,

When a child bursts into tears,

When the Barren Almond bears,

Then shall all the house be still.

And peace shall come to Canterville.

CG: Oh, this poem is for me. You are a gentle girl and I have sinned.

Virginia: Look, I’ll tell you what, Sir Simon, you must pray. Besides, you must

forgive yourself.

CG: OK, I’ll try my best.

( CG cries, Virginia cries too)

OH, a gentle girl is crying for me… And peace shall come to Canterville and peace

shall come to me! I’m free! Thank you for your kindness, Miss Virginia… Thank


(CG flies away)

Virginia: Farewell, Sir Simon, I’ll never forget you.

Mrs. Otis: Oh, my girl. Where have you been?

Washington: We’ve been looking for you everywhere.

Virginia: I’ ve been talking to Simon all the evening. He was really sorry for having

done a lot of mean deeds. Now he rests in peace. Let’s all forgive him, shall we?

Mr. Otis: With greay pleasure! May there always be love and happiness!

( all the actors bow and leave the stage).

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